Studies, Lessons, Tools




Here are some resources that will help in your life journey.

These are some Adventist applications (Apps) and web pages to help for bible study. More at the Adventist Review.

Apple (Ipad and Iphone)                


  • Pitcairn (free)
    • a game-based Pathfinder honor about the ministry of Ellen G. White and early Adventism and a fun way to earn and honor.





  • EGW Writings (free)
    • read and search the complete published writtings of Ellen G. White, the King James Version of the BIble, and Noah Webster's American dictionary


  • Hope Channel ($0.99)
    • Hope Channel released an app allowing users to watch three of its streaming channels live. There is also a free version with more limited content.


  • Pitcairn (free)
    • a game-based Pathfinder honor about the ministry of Ellen G. White and early Adventism and a fun way to earn and honor.


  • Sabbath School 4 (free)
    • GC Sabbath School Department's app of Sabbath school lessons for adults and children; upgraded version from previous Sabbath School version.

Web Site                                          

  • Beginnings (free)
    • Videos from the Hope Channel show


  • GraceLink (free)
    • "electronic felts" built on the Gracelink Bible study guides.